03 July 2024

HOLBA’s private security service wins Police Commendation

My Local Bobbie, the private security service provided by The Heart of London Business Alliance for residents and visitors in the area, has received a Police Commendation at a recent awards ceremony held in the City of London.

The award is given to members of the Police Services, or the general public who have shown good work which is worthy of recognition. My Local Bobbie was the only private company to receive this award from the Police teams in Westminster Borough.

The dissertation was delivered by Chief Inspector James Johnson and the award was presented by the Borough Commander, Christina Jessah.

Vital for the safety of residents and visitors alike to the Heart of London area, My Local Bobby employs a broken windows’ strategy to public realm patrols.

The reporting and monitoring of smaller issues such as broken windows and street-lights, litter and the removal of cards from phone boxes for example, helps to improve the overall environment, in turn discouraging further low-level crime from taking place, helping to create an environment of order and lawfulness.

The Bobbies take pride in the area in which they operate, taking responsibility for the security and appearance of it, proactively engaging with the workforce, residents and visitors, working hard to integrate themselves into the community to build familiarity and trust.

Every incident is recorded on camera, listed onto a system and reported to the relevant parties.

My Local Bobbie exists to contribute towards a lasting reduction in crime and anti-social behaviour, helping to eliminate the fear of crime and create safer communities.

Sources: My Local Bobbie

HOLBA’s private security service wins Police Commendation - Gascoyne London